Loughton Athletic Club was founded in September 1908 in Lopping Hall. Several of the first Committee Members were also town dignitaries and members of Loughton Club, so it was a natural consequence that the Athletic Club was housed in Loughton Club.
In those days, most of the area south of Loughton Club was still open land, so athletic events could be held close by. But gradually, the land became built up with the houses seen today. The Athletic Club Committee felt that the original advantages had gone, because there were no tining and competition facilities nearby.
So, in 1929, the Athletic Club moved to the Railway Sports Ground next to Loughton Station, where a track was available. But Loughton Club was still the headquarters for winter activities.
When running costs became too high, a decision was made to sell off the Ground for housing, effectively leaving the Athletic Club homeless. But, in 1980, with the help of Epping Forest District Council, accommodation was found in the old Pavilion at the bottom of South View road. This is still the headquarters and is close to where the Athletic Club's summer and winter activities take place.
But the Pavilion has never been suitable for Committee or Annual General Meetings. Since the move there, a succession of temporary venues has been used. Initially, a room in the Woodcroft School (then run by our Club President, Barry Edwards) was used, but when this was no longer available, a succession of function rooms in High Road Pubs was used. Then, when a venue for the 2005 Annual General Meeting was needed, Loughton Club was suggested. It proved to be a good and popular choice.
Following on from that, a number of Athletic Club members have become members of The Loughton Club, and at present Committee and Annual General Meetings are held there.
The Athletic Club has about 150 members, of who about half are active, some in the summer, some in the winter, some in both. It is only in the last 20 years that there has been athletic success at a high level. Stuart Monk won many walking titles during his competitive career, and we have at present a successful sprinter in Joanne Ryan who has won County and National Schools titles.
If any members of Loughton Club are interested in attending the Athletic Club's training sessions, these take place form the Pavilion on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7pm in summer. In winter Thursday seesions are held indoors at the same time in the Roding Road School.
The Athletic Club also has its own website (loughtonac.org.uk) where the Club Officers, and other information useful to any Loughton Club member interested in joining are to be found